Embracing the Hacker Mindset: A Comprehensive Analysis for Cybersecurity Professionals
How Thinking Like an Adversary Strengthens Cyber Defense In the rapidly evolving realm of cybersecurity, traditional defense mechanisms are no longer sufficient. The article from Pentera highlights the urgent need for security leaders to adopt a hacker’s mindset. This approach is vital in managing the dynamic attack surface exacerbated by interconnected devices, cloud services, IoT […]
The State of Pentesting 2023: Global Trends in Cybersecurity
In the last two years, almost all organizations (88%) have had security breaches, which means nine out of ten companies were hacked. Despite using 44 security solutions on average, organizations are still vulnerable to cyber threats. Economic slowdown and increased awareness of cyber risks have influenced how companies handle security. A new report by Global […]
Why business risk should be your guiding north star for remediation
It is increasingly vital for organizations across the globe to integrate and focus on business risk when developing their security strategies. One particularly notable strategy that is gaining traction is Continuous Threat Exposure Management, often referred to as CTEM. This strategy stands out as it prioritizes automated security validation, an action that signifies a proactive […]